La Prima Storia via NYC Group Crit at the Box Factory

I am still wondering how I might share, translate, or document these compositions. After practicing maintaining specific tempos that represent the resting heart rates of different beings, I share them by hand to others in a group and they are then translated into a sort of mixed vocal percussive composition. These leads to all sorts of questions, could these compositions be written, shared, translated by others? Does recording it take away some of the spontaneity and discovery of later interactions. A song heard only by those who could physically hear it in the moment it was created? I’m not sure. I do welcome reproductions of this idea in different places by whoever would like to repeat it.

This presentation was done first in March of 2023 thanks to NYC Group Crit. Then repeated in August in Val Taleggio, Italy, with all the people who live in the village of Sottochiesa. I’m currently working on new possibilities with a choir and other experimental musicians.


The waterphone waits….


Elemental drawings from Val Taleggio