NAHR in August 2023

Currently the NAHR residency in Val Taleggio, Italy is a full of activity with researchers and artists collaborating and seeking out ways to be more aware of the practice of empathy in returning humans to our intended relationship with nature. NAHR is collaborating with other arts organizations and institutions through The Empact Project to continue and expand these conversations. I agree strongly with Amitav Ghosh when he says that science will not be able to save us from climate change, but rather it will be our stories that teach us what we must do. And that it is the work of artists and writers to give voice to all the beings seen and unseen. (Interview at Emergence Magazine) So I am incredibly happy to be able to participate in a residency this coming August where I will find out how many ways I can experiment with La Prima Storia, a vocal interaction of tempos of the heart rates of different beings at rest. I will be attending in August when there will be more experimentation and development of work with other artists and collaborators.

When I have brought a few people together to enact this work, people spoke about relative speeds of time for different life forms, the moments of contact to translate the tempo from one person to another. Waiting and wondering, who was that that I was singing? This has made me incredibly curious about sound. I think often about the translation of experience from one body to another, through different perceptual fields, the moments of imagining and translation and missed connections mixed in with shared experience. The works on paper that started these questions are here.


CurioserKC and Ice Cream Social Artist Collab


Post Human Art Network